SUCCESS is not for a lazy person
The biggest problem most people have when it comes to achieving a goal is simply lack of starting.READ CAREFULLY!
it's a matter of motivation
it's a lack of goal setting
it's a lack of action steps
This is something you really need to know!
They believe the nonsense that they have been shoveling for all these years to make themselves feel better about not having the success that they truly want and think they should have or that somebody else around them already has and possess people that the successful are often the hardest working people at the top game are often the hardest working.
I tell people"go sit on your couch and then die."
you know. what more can I do?
- You don't want to eat right?
- You are going to start tomorrow?
- You are going to start from Jan 1st?
- You are going to start on Monday?
- You don't want to exercise?
life is SHORT!
There are so many small things that people can do immediately:
To start changing their life, to start changing their day and start to move the needle forward but all too often, people have the motivation to do so, for a lot of different reasons.
- they will blame their parents
- they blame their upbringing
- they will blame their current situations
What are you going to do next?
Are you going to sit their and cry?
Are you going to start digging yourself?
you are going to find a place to go and stay and start to clean up your house and move all the rubbles and start to rebuild!
Immediately, don't sit there and whine and complain! Sure you can feel bad and you can be a little depressed but it should stop the action we all are HUMANS!
We all have the emotions, including me,I'm not a perfect person
I have my ups and downs, we highs and lows, just like everybody else but my action is what matters...
The very next decisions you make will take you one step closer or one steps farther from goal. That's it!
I don't care what you did yesterday! All I care about is what you do next!
MOTIVATION is simply doing what is necessary to achieve the desired outcome falling backward, without making excuses, without pretending that you are so special because you are Nobody is!none of us are. The only thing that makes you special is if you start doing things to make you special and being average, being lazy, not special.
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hamarimesh provides you inspirational quotes, interesting facts, awsome biography, motivation
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